Tuesday, November 3, 2009


For years I have fought with the idea of love and if it truly exists. I really don't believe in the that whole "love" thing, for me it's a mythical word that was made up, it is a business that sells its product "love" to the masses.
I chose not to believe because I really don't think it exists! I think it's a made up idea, a lie, a nice fairy tale story, a bubble of a world that does not exist or is real. I don't see my self feeling anything for anyone! On a good day most people bug me!

I guess the trouble is that I have yet to meet a woman that can change my view the "love", I have never felt this for any woman ever I am sure of it! I may be wrong but I have yet to find someone that can prove that, so for now I am right and everyone else is ignorantly wrong!


  1. great post, thats what i believe before until i was hit by cupid, eventually i realize its love that makes the world go round..take care

  2. I truly believe LOVE is more like how you describe just how much you more than like something.... like if you really is nut about BLOGGING... hence, you LOVE BLOGGING.lol
    As a mother, I more than LIKE my kids...GOD, I LOVE THEM. The feeling is from the GUT for when you fall in love or out or love, it is like you feel it so deep, you feel it in the gut. I hate being hurt via my ex. His version of love is rather sadistic.To each its own right?

    I do hope you will find someone whom you will love and who will love you as much.

    You cannot expect to be loved if you are not willing to love back.( remember the GUT feeling1)
